I know, I know. I said I retired from the Site Fights. But... I guess I wanted to give this another shot. =o) Time to get ready to get flooded in reminders trying to shout it out and signing guestbooks again. *laughs*

Many have asked this and all my replies are yes, Feel free to take any spirit stick buttons, background and so on. =o) Even the "Vote for me here" button too. *laughs* Just don't take my banner at the top. ;)

OH WOW!!! I won the Spirit Award!!! WOW!!! I won this on April 28, 1998!!!

WOW! I got another award for DRAGON spirit on April 28, 1998! This is so kewl!

I grant you this spirit stick as a way of saying thanks for voting for me. For taking me all the way to the Dome. Even though I lost, I had a lot of fun. But for now, Continue voting and trying to take me to the dome once again!

Oh..he wants a hug..*hug*

Altogether, I have 8 DChamps, I decided that they can run around in here to help me with my spirit pages!The other three can be found on the second Spirit Page...

Kewl huh?

The poor thing is freaking out! awww.... *hug* Everything will be all right.

The banner above will lead you to the Darksbane Dragons main page... (I wanna thank NightWind for shrinking this banner for me. *smile*)

If you leave your URL, I will most definitely visit your site so definitely make sure your URL and Site Title are correct...thanks!!!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Where's the 5th one? Oh there he is! sleeping? hmmm....must be worn out from all the spirit...hehehe....shhh! Let's let him sleep..

Wow!!! I finally found all the eggs on April 8, 1998!!!

  back to mainpage   awards and cheers     My list of voters

SHIFT-CLICK to change Channels

Ok, I got millions of e-mails asking me what the heck is that thing above? I decided to fiddle with it and this is what I learned. You press the shift button on your keybard and keep it pressed when you place your mouse arrow over the white box where the words are scrolling through and click it ONCE. Then let go of shift. Then it will change and start showing you what channels that are on. Then when the channels are scrolling through, just click on it and it will give you news on the channel you picked.

Wanna adopt these cute DChamps? Or wanna know what the site fights are all about? click on this button.

the site fights
This site has signed up for The Site Fights. Click the banner to find out more.

Site Fights Spirit Counter This many people saw my spirit pages since I put this counter up on October 4, 1998. Coolies man!